But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them, for of such is the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 19:14
Jesus said, "Let the children come to me!" We seek to teach and train our children so that they can come to and love Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Our desire is that they would come to have God's word in their heart, be excited about being young, and learn the value of serving others.

Get to know our ministry!
Kidz Blast Ministry is the children's ministry department of Midlothian Baptist Church. The ministry serves children in our church and community that are in infants up through grade 5. The goal is to help introduce the children to Jesus and to help them begin a lifelong relationship with him. The ministry strives to lay the foundation for these children for that relationship with Jesus. Kidz Blast meets Sundays during main church service at 10:15 am.
Our Goal is that they would have a B.L.A.S.T!
Our Rooms
Newborn to 1 year old
Located on the First Floor next to the water fountains
Located on the First Floor next to the water fountains
Toddler Room
Ages 1-3
Located on the First Floor between the Nursery and the side entrance
Located on the First Floor between the Nursery and the side entrance
Ages 3-Kindergarten
Located on the Second Floor towards the front of the building
Located on the Second Floor towards the front of the building
Grades Kindergarten-5th
Located on the Second Floor towards the back of the building
Located on the Second Floor towards the back of the building
What We're Learning
We hope you're children will join us on Sunday mornings as we journey through the entire Bible, using the Gospel Project for Kids. We are learning that the Bible is ONE BIG STORY, that points to Jesus!
How We Learn
We have an awesome volunteer staff that LOVE to minister to our children at Midlothian Baptist! They are trained, have completed a background check, and are SUPER excited to not only keep your children safe, but teach God's Word no matter the age of your child. Check out our resources page for more information about how we manage our ministry!
Vacation Bible School
We had a blast at VBS this year! Scuba made a huge impact on the kids we had this year. We already have our theme for next year which will be: True North! The dates and registration should be coming soon so keep an eye out!