Life Groups

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17

LIFE groups are our small group ministry. They meet on Sunday mornings and we have classes from nursery to adults.
L.I.F.E. is an acronym that states the purpose of our small groups. It means:
L. learning God’s word
I. inviting others to follow Christ
F. form deep relationships
E. engage in service
If you are interested in growing in your walk with Jesus, we invite you to get involved in one of our groups.
 They are:
A mixed adult group that meets in the B-Building at 9:10a.m. - Led by Booten Goodall
Koinonia (which means fellowship) a ladies’ group that meets at 9:10a.m - Led by Susan Mann
The remaining groups meet after the worship service around 11:30 am:
Faith Lifters – a lady’s group - Led by Christine McConomy
Sisters in Spirit – a lady’s group - Led by Terri Goodall
College and Career - Ignite Young Adult Ministry - Led by Alex Holliday
Men’s group - Led by Marvin Day
 A mixed adult group - Led by Jared Fugett
Teens - Fusion Student Ministry - Led by Brandyn Wykert
Elementary children - Kidz Blast
Pre-school children
Nursery children
We plan to establish other groups in the future.

Questions for a life group

We'd love to get you connected to a life group and if you have any questions about what they life groups are teaching or interested in joining one we'd love to talk with you answer any of those questions. 

Life groups help people grow in their faith and build community. We are in the process of doing home prayer groups throughout the week. We'd love to have you join us!