Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We want to live out Acts 13.
Acts 13:2,3 : "As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them. And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away."
We pray God will call more people from our ranks to distant lands with the gospel message.
Acts 13:2,3 : "As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them. And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away."
We pray God will call more people from our ranks to distant lands with the gospel message.

We count it a great privilege to be the sending Church of two amazing families :
Guy and Debbie Bankston
Missionaries in New Zealand
Stan and Jackie Sherwood
Missionaries in Panama
Active Missionaries
Mark 16:15 : "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."
Through our members, by way of Faith Promise, MBC has been blessed with the privilege of contributing to the efforts of world wide evangelism, giving to the families listed below who have surrendered themselves to the Lord's work as missionaries on foreign shores :
Samuel & Lilly Fang - Asia
Dwayne & Valerie Keefe - Australia
LaMar & Joanna Salley - Costa Rica
Nationals Outreach Worldwide Ministries - Cuban National Pastors
Chris & Lois Tignor - Ecuador
Larry & Cheryl Ingalls - Eastern Europe
Patrick & Lanette Hillman - Ministry To Muslims
Brian & Brenda Kim - Asia
Steve & Debbie Poston – Mexico
Max & Debbie Harmon - Peru
Pam Quinlan - Philippines
Brenda Hayes - Philippines
Manna Worldwide
David & Mary Campbell - Wales
Charles & Maria Rouch - Zambia
Glen and Eve Williamson - Ukraine
Magdy Ghabbour Christian Education
MBC also supports the national missionaries, organizations and institutions listed below :
Baptist Bible College - Springfield, MO
Good Samaritan Inn, Rescue Mission -
Richmond, VA
Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia
Baptist Bible Fellowship International
Manna Worldwide
Dwayne & Valerie Keefe - Australia
LaMar & Joanna Salley - Costa Rica
Nationals Outreach Worldwide Ministries - Cuban National Pastors
Chris & Lois Tignor - Ecuador
Larry & Cheryl Ingalls - Eastern Europe
Patrick & Lanette Hillman - Ministry To Muslims
Brian & Brenda Kim - Asia
Steve & Debbie Poston – Mexico
Max & Debbie Harmon - Peru
Pam Quinlan - Philippines
Brenda Hayes - Philippines
Manna Worldwide
David & Mary Campbell - Wales
Charles & Maria Rouch - Zambia
Glen and Eve Williamson - Ukraine
Magdy Ghabbour Christian Education
MBC also supports the national missionaries, organizations and institutions listed below :
Baptist Bible College - Springfield, MO
Good Samaritan Inn, Rescue Mission -
Richmond, VA
Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia
Baptist Bible Fellowship International
Manna Worldwide
Missionary Letter
Our letter this time comes from our missionaries in Australia - The Keefe family. You can click on the link below to see what they are up to and what you can be doing.

Missionary Letter - Steve and Debbie Poston
This letter comes from our missionaries who are in Saltillo, Mexico.

Missionary Letter - Charlie and Maria Rouch
Dear co-laborers,
We were so blessed to be able to return to Zambia last year ! As expected, there was "to much dirts" as they say here. Rats also had their way with vehicle wiring, etc. (the "etc" being the worst). Thankfully, house and cars were in pretty good condition. We were very thankful to find no snakes in the house except one small one - and it was dead, but there were some pretty nasty "spides" (spiders) - one of which bit Maria on the arm during the cleaning process. It was poisonous and she was extremely sick for about 10 days, but, praise the Lord, she recovered completely ! Thank you for praying for her !
But LIFE IS GOOD ! Returning to the field was with renewed vision and purpose, yet we also knew things would be different - and they ARE, but in a good way. As a parent one day realizes "young Timothy" isn't young, nor a novice anymore . . . so it is with our children in the Lord. For the most part it has been a joy to observe the Pastors/wives, and churches. They have matured. Winning souls and discipling them is still the "main thing". Due to many roads totally gone from the heavy monsoon rains this year, we cannot get to some of the churches yet, nor can some of the Pastors get to us.
Maria recently told me "your Timothy's are getting old". I said "yes, but im getting younger" (quick thinking) ! Yes, they are older, but they all have many "Timothy's" of their own . . . some in ministry, some in training, and some just beginning. So, I suppose that makes me "Bashikulu Timothy's" (Grandfather of Timothy's) - but I kind of like that ! I guess that makes her "Grandma", but don't tell her I said that !
The OPPENESS to the never-changing Gospel ! The churches are not only growing, but are growing in the Biblical pattern. Recently our Pastor came from Montana to visit and encourage the churches. Pastor Clark, Maria and I went to village works as well as city works. One Friday in a village we split up, walked the dirt roads, paths between huts, and through the corn fields - 14 were saved. On Saturday 7 teenagers were saved at the Orphanage in town. Leaving the north country we made a 2 day journey south to Livingstone to visit Victory Bible Baptist/Pastor Cheelo. We went soul winning, preached/taught in buildings, under trees, and out in the scorching sun. While Pastor Clark and I taught the men, Maria taught the ladies, then the youth. She led 8 to Christ that day ! The need is the same; the answer is the same . . . But . . . the response . . . THAT makes the difference ! Life doesn't get any better than this !
We had great services on Sunday, with a big fellowship dinner afterward where Pastor passed his initiation by enjoying a feast of fried caterpillars !
The people here are a beautiful people who work hard just to survive. It seems their "difficult times" contribute to their positive response to the message of the Gospel and a genuine need to walk with Christ. We are encouraged, that in a world of "change" . . . here, the openness to the Gospel seems to have only grown stronger.
As we pray daily for God's direction, we ask you to also pray - always foremost - that the"Word od God have free course". Phrases from an old song come to mind/heart as we observe people wherever we look : "As we look around us, all the fields are white - ripened unto harvest, and so quickly comes the night . . . Christians must get busy, there is work to do . . . theres an urgent task awaiting you. Souls are crying, men are dying - wont you lead them to the cross . . . Go and find them, help to wiin them . . . Win the lost at any cost !" Our "cost" will never be like the cost of Christ at Calvary.
Thank you all for your faithful prayers and support ! God bless you greatly as we continue to faithfully co-labor together for our Savior and souls !
Partners in His Harvest,
Charlie and Maria Rouch, Zambia
We were so blessed to be able to return to Zambia last year ! As expected, there was "to much dirts" as they say here. Rats also had their way with vehicle wiring, etc. (the "etc" being the worst). Thankfully, house and cars were in pretty good condition. We were very thankful to find no snakes in the house except one small one - and it was dead, but there were some pretty nasty "spides" (spiders) - one of which bit Maria on the arm during the cleaning process. It was poisonous and she was extremely sick for about 10 days, but, praise the Lord, she recovered completely ! Thank you for praying for her !
But LIFE IS GOOD ! Returning to the field was with renewed vision and purpose, yet we also knew things would be different - and they ARE, but in a good way. As a parent one day realizes "young Timothy" isn't young, nor a novice anymore . . . so it is with our children in the Lord. For the most part it has been a joy to observe the Pastors/wives, and churches. They have matured. Winning souls and discipling them is still the "main thing". Due to many roads totally gone from the heavy monsoon rains this year, we cannot get to some of the churches yet, nor can some of the Pastors get to us.
Maria recently told me "your Timothy's are getting old". I said "yes, but im getting younger" (quick thinking) ! Yes, they are older, but they all have many "Timothy's" of their own . . . some in ministry, some in training, and some just beginning. So, I suppose that makes me "Bashikulu Timothy's" (Grandfather of Timothy's) - but I kind of like that ! I guess that makes her "Grandma", but don't tell her I said that !
The OPPENESS to the never-changing Gospel ! The churches are not only growing, but are growing in the Biblical pattern. Recently our Pastor came from Montana to visit and encourage the churches. Pastor Clark, Maria and I went to village works as well as city works. One Friday in a village we split up, walked the dirt roads, paths between huts, and through the corn fields - 14 were saved. On Saturday 7 teenagers were saved at the Orphanage in town. Leaving the north country we made a 2 day journey south to Livingstone to visit Victory Bible Baptist/Pastor Cheelo. We went soul winning, preached/taught in buildings, under trees, and out in the scorching sun. While Pastor Clark and I taught the men, Maria taught the ladies, then the youth. She led 8 to Christ that day ! The need is the same; the answer is the same . . . But . . . the response . . . THAT makes the difference ! Life doesn't get any better than this !
We had great services on Sunday, with a big fellowship dinner afterward where Pastor passed his initiation by enjoying a feast of fried caterpillars !
The people here are a beautiful people who work hard just to survive. It seems their "difficult times" contribute to their positive response to the message of the Gospel and a genuine need to walk with Christ. We are encouraged, that in a world of "change" . . . here, the openness to the Gospel seems to have only grown stronger.
As we pray daily for God's direction, we ask you to also pray - always foremost - that the"Word od God have free course". Phrases from an old song come to mind/heart as we observe people wherever we look : "As we look around us, all the fields are white - ripened unto harvest, and so quickly comes the night . . . Christians must get busy, there is work to do . . . theres an urgent task awaiting you. Souls are crying, men are dying - wont you lead them to the cross . . . Go and find them, help to wiin them . . . Win the lost at any cost !" Our "cost" will never be like the cost of Christ at Calvary.
Thank you all for your faithful prayers and support ! God bless you greatly as we continue to faithfully co-labor together for our Savior and souls !
Partners in His Harvest,
Charlie and Maria Rouch, Zambia